Hi im Darsh

Front End Web Developer

My Work

Blu Saphir

Blu Saphir

Considering the previous build was outdated in both design and development. Blu Saphir has now been redeveloped using Wordpress. A custom theme website built using HTML, CSS(SASS), JaveScript and PHP from the ground up. The site is fully dynamic and customizable making content updates and maintenance easy.

Vantage Apartments

Vantage Apartments

Before rebuilding Vantage Apartments website, the site was very slow and was in need of some minor design and user experience adjustments. This version is built from scratch, a custom WordPress theme using HTML, CSS(SASS), JaveScript and PHP with an image slider plugin.

My Projects

Flixnet Database

Movie or TV fanatic? This website showcases popular movies, TV and documentaries. This site is built using the "TMDB" API together with React,js, HTML, SASS, and Yarn.

Math Game

Test your math with this simple game. This game is built using React.js with React Hooks, CSS(SASS), HTML and Yarn.

Hogwarts University

Hogwarts University is a WordPress custom theme site using HTML, CSS(SASS), JaveScript and PHP. Using Custom Post Types, and Advanced Custom Fields makes this theme well organised and easy for content updates and maintenance. Deployed using Digital Ocean with a Yarn and Webpack build.

Travel Site

Fictional Travel Site using HTML, CSS(SASS), JS(module pattern) with a yarn/webpack build system. A nice elegant, clean and stylish design completely responsive with resposive images

Hangman Game

This game is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A nice clean and simple design using SVG and Flexbox. The functionality is built using a combination of Functions, If Statments, Math.random and the Map iterator. The game has 4 different categories, choose between Movies, TV Shows, Music Artists and Video Games and see if you can guess the word.


Are you a fan of Pokemon? collect the cards? or play the video games? Chick out this application built using the popular pokemon pokedex API. Using Async and Await function to fecth data from the API and create a stylish grid layout displaying pokemon from the 1st generation to the 3rd generation .

About Me
